Digital Fashion Shows: Fast Forward Fashion!!

The metaverse is in full swing as individuals around the world try to ascertain the mystical world and what it has in store for us. I had mentioned previously in one of my blogs that the metaverse can be synonymous to Earth 2.0; individuals will have the ability to create their same reality virtually or experiment with their digital twin aka avatar. It is believed the metaverse will bring forth opportunities for the LGBTQI+ or individuals with special needs to sculpt a life they would wish to live or enhance their identity. They are going to represent a huge chunk of a new developing market for businesses to target. One question arises, will stereotypes and prejudices of the real world also translate itself in the virtual world? Seems pretty rare, metaverse may establish itself as a world where individuals may not need to worry about the daily biases one may face.

Returning to digital fashion, so yes whilst luxury fashion will remain sought after in the real world, it is on a mission to reign in the virtual realm as well. Innumerable luxury brands have been collaborating with present virtual realms such as Fortnite, Roblox to create a market for themselves, as individuals dabble to purchase digital fashion (digital items include clothing, accessories, bags, sunglasses, caps and so forth) that can add or pep up their virtual avatar. Imagine having two wardrobes (the physical and virtual or meta wardrobe) sounds unbelievable right??!!! And the advent of Digital Fashion Week where exorbitantly glamorous luxe brands present their phenomenal digital products. Digital fashion can be bought if NFTs are attached to them, that provide the buyer with a certification of ownership. Beyond this, there is more than meets the eyes; individuals will purchase property and interior decor items to design and brighten up their virtual homes.

Design Fashion technology

Usually one may ponder multiple times before buying a luxury brand in the physical world, however in contrast the consumer buying behaviour in the virtual realm is completely opposite. As mentioned before one can create a digital copy of themselves (eg: Memojis maybe, though in the metaverse it would be a complete head to toe avatar) or represent themselves creatively in a different avatar (as a Popstar or so) or display their inherent thoughts, beliefs and let go of inhibitions.

 From the business perspective luxe brands will be in for higher margins as cost of creating these digital items will be minimal v/s physical items, eliminate the worries of overstocking (leading to need for sales and discounts) and digital items NFTs can be resold to other digital avatars which will create a revenue stream for brands if royalties are attached to them. Creativity can be taken to the zenith as the metaverse will be home to the most unusual fashion products one may get acquainted with or experience. Digital fashion appears to bolster sustainability (however on the contrary; increasing computing power is actually harmful to the environment as it is reliant on power to function) and the loopholes of traceability and transparency in supply chains (main concerns that are talk of the town; issues that can tarnish a brand’s image)

Some previous examples of digital fashion that validate its not new; it has evolved over time!

Ironically digital fashion is not a new term. Prominent brands like CK, Armani and Adidas were associated with Second Life. In addition Diesel sold its products and furniture on the Sims.

So let’s go through the various tie ups of luxury brands the the virtual worlds post Covid 19.

Balanciaga launched a clothing collection for Fortnite users so they could experiment with their skin/ avatar/ outfits. Individuals could try out different outfits and relive the shopping experience virtually. In addition individuals got access to the digital version of a physical product they bought from the Balanciaga store. The launch of Gucci Garden pop up shop on Roblox. Gucci brought to life its virtual products as individuals experimented with numerous digital fashion items. They sold a handbag worth $4000 in real money- mind boggling isn’t it; wouldn’t one rather purchase the product in the physical world?? Gucci has been at the forefront of digital fashion based on its collaborations with Tennis Clash, Pokémon Go and The Sims, eventually introducing its own game Gucci Grip. The associations with gaming giants will help these brands to keep expanding their legacy by appealing to the Gen Z’s and Alpha’s.

Digital fashion does not only have presence in the gaming world. Utilising augmented reality (AR) individuals can join online meetings wearing digital apparels though in reality they maybe wearing a simple t-shirt. Designers can create quick prototypes of the product and consumers can try on the clothes using AR before the merchandise is sent for production. In fact the need for physical fashion shows may decline as virtual/digital fashion shows can portray the collection virtually without the need of producing the items physically for the models to wear. It can be rendered on their avatar.


WANNA a tech firms allows brands to use its two apps called Wanna Kicks and Wanna Watches that allow shoppers to virtually try shoes and watched via AR. Dior’s tie up with Snapchat offers the similar services and fashion enthusiasts can buy the products directly on Snapchat.

( commerce on the rise + digital fashion = disruptions on the way)

Digital stores are becoming a reality thanks to Obsess with multiple brands in its bandwagon like Dior and Tommy Hilfiger. Believe it or not even models may lose their jobs as it is predicted many jobs will become obsolete as tech develops. A firm call HUM.AI.N creates digital models on whom the digital clothes can be put on!!

Brands like Nike have invested or acquired startups that are experts in virtual fashion. Digital fashion provides amateurs with a golden opportunity and empowers them to launch their own collections at an affordable cost. Several digital fashion marketplaces have come to the mainstream like DreamX and Replicant. These clothes can rendered on a high resolution photos of individuals and they can be posted on social media or for promotional activities led by influencers. However controversies exists with regards to images being photoshopped. Like mentioned above creativity will be taken to another level as one can adorn digital apparels or accessories releasing fire, flying in the air, having dew drops falling and many more breathtaking designs. (Image on the side).

Incredible isn’t it? the future of fashion! Is it a fad or will it become a reality? ; we can see it come to shape partially, predominantly in the gaming industry.
