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Are the world power grids sustainable enough to handle the Herculean energy needs of technologies of the future?

IS THE WORLD RUNNING OUT OF ELECTRICITY??  A power grid is a complex network that constitutes the generation,  transmission and distribution of power to consumers. It is a life line for  seamless functioning of the society. However, today the global power  girds sustainability and longitivtiy is endangered by the impending  demand generated by new age technologies. It is predicted by IEA that  by 2040 the would will need to add or revamp 80 million km of grids  (equivalent to the capacity present today) to to achieve electricity  security and achieve its environment climate targets.   The developed world is encountering the challenge of old power  infrastructure to meet the need for electrification of transportation (widespread shift to EVs), factories etc, incorporation of renewable  sources of energy to the power grid, augmenting power of power  hungry artificial intelligence, blockchain, hydrogen production and  more. Around 70% of transmission line in the United States are older  t

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