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The moment of epiphany: EV’s are not the super hero yet!

The EV fever seems to be diminishing as reality and rationality come to picture. EV’s were promoted and popularised on the premises that they are an eco-friendly alternative whilst hybrids act as a transitionary vehicle/ technology in the race to reach the goal of zero emissions. Few years back Toyota had shared their skepticism about an all EV fleet and instead proposed the importance of hybrid cars that are much more efficient and realistic that a regular EV. They implied that EV’s are not entirely environmental friendly as they are ultimately being powered by electricity that is generated from coal power plants. Toyota’s perspective met with bountiful criticism and cynicism as they seemed to lose their innovative streak. However it seems the tables have turned and Toyota was indeed right in its approach of having a variety of models such as hybrids ( or hydrogen powered vehicles, flex fuels, CNG etc) than only relying on EVs. Due to their novelty factor, EV sales witnessed a meteori

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